Special Days with lots of fun

Camden have fun days throughout the year for members to enjoy a special day of social competition

Pennants is Serious bowls Against other clubs

Pennants is a team game played against other clubs in the area. Three teams of four players compete against each other for the flag. This is considered one of the ultimate type of competitions.

State Champion Runners Up

Many club teams go on to higher competition with some winning at State Level. Here our team was runner up in the State Region Fours.

Major Sponsors of the Camden Men’s Bowling Club

Welcome to Camden Bowling Club’s official website. Here you’ll be able to see the latest results; learn more about your Club and fellow members; and contribute to the overall enjoyment of the sport of Lawn Bowls. Camden boasts two first-class bowling greens – both of which are tifdwarf grass.

Contact Details


Barefoot Bowls and Beach Parties– call Jake – 0437 993 670 > Click here for more information.
Sports Club – (02) 4655 8757 > Click here for club website and more information.
Bowls office – (02) 4655 5783
Bowls Co-ordinator Steve Laker 0412 815 505


When can I get on the green?


The entry sheet for all events is located in the club’s locker room. Visitors must leave their club and contact number.

MONDAY  Greens Closed
TUESDAY  ‘Trific Tuesday’ Mixed Competition. Dress is Mufti. 9am start. Bookings on the sheet at the club or direct to Alex on 0409 306 256
WEDNESDAY  Ladies Day. 9.30 start. Bookings at the club on Ladies notice board.
THURSDAY  Mixed Competition. Dress is Mufti. 1.00 pm start (be at the club by 12.30) Bookings on the sheet at the club.
FRIDAY  Ladies alternate day.
‘Fabulous Friday’ on the second Friday of the month. Mixed competition. Three bowl triples. 9am start. Bookings on the sheet at the club or direct to Alex on 0409 306 256
SATURDAY Mens Competition Day otherwise Mixed Social. (Nominations on the sheet at the club) Whites or Club Uniform to be worn unless stated otherwise. 1.00 pm start (be at the club by 12.30)
SUNDAY Greens open for rollups unless used for club events.


Please Note
Phone bookings can be made after 11 am and no later than 12 pm on the day of play. Thursdays and Saturdays only.
Bowls office number – 46555783. Bowls Organiser Steve Laker 0412 815 505

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