A huge thanks to all those members who attended the Feb quarterly meeting.
Keep a check on your emails for info and feedback on – supporting charities and the working bee on tidying up the gardens around the greens.
A huge thanks to all those members who attended the Feb quarterly meeting.
Keep a check on your emails for info and feedback on – supporting charities and the working bee on tidying up the gardens around the greens.
Congratulation to Karl Szynal
Zone 5 Senior Singles Champion 2016
Well done mate! You have been playing some awesome bowls (ive been on the receiving end) and deserve your win.
All the best at State and I hope you get great support when you go.
Dear members please note:
The February quarterly meeting will be deferred to Saturday 20th. Please ignore the notice posted in the bowls room.
This change is necessary due to the secretary being involved in the Zone Fours being played at Camden on the 13th.
Camden Mens Bowling Club
Members are advised the quarterly meeting is to be held Saturday 21st November 2015 commencing at 10:00am.