Category Archives: NEWS AND COMMENT

Fees Are Due

All Members with the exception of Life Members are now required to renew their membership. This must be done by the 30th June 2015 or before. You should receive a renewal notice in the mail within the next couple of weeks if you haven’t been handed it already. To assist our administration PLEASE pay on time.

Zone 5

Email received …

Hi All

Could you please pass the following information to your Executive and Members as a priority.

On Thursday the 14th May 2015 the Board of Bowls NSW endorsed the recommendation to re distribute the boundaries of the current Zone 5. From 1st January 2016 the new boundaries for Zone 5 will incorporate the current boundaries of the STDBA and Nepean Districts. The STDBA and Nepean Districts will be dissolved and administration passed to the new Zone 5 Committee prior to 1st January 2016. This information will be forwarded on when further meetings and decisions are made.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to forward them to me.


Steve Laker
STDBA Secretary / Treasurer

Coaching Course

Email received …

Campbelltown Bowling Club are looking at organising a Club Coaching course in the coming months and I have been asked by the club coach Gary to see if there is any interest from other clubs in the area.

If your club have members that would be interested in attending the course please let me know and I can forward on the information to Gary.

Thanks again


Andrew Howie | Regional Bowls Manager (ACT & South East NSW)
Bowls Australia Ltd. | PO Box 52 | Northcote VIC 3070
t: 0409 498 786 | f: +61 3 9495 0194