Category Archives: NEWS AND COMMENT

Upcoming ST Johns Park Bowls Events

Good afternoon everyone,

Please find attached flyers for upcoming bowls tournaments to be held at St Johns Park Bowling Club. It would be much appreciated if you could display these flyers in the appropriate area of your club, alternatively please pass on to anybody you think may be interested in entering any of these events. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further enquiries or would like to enter a team.

Brett Murphy, Bowls Administrator, St Johns Park Bowling Club

Handicap Triples Flyer

Junior Senior Pairs

Open 5 A Side Flyer

Silver Medal Flyer

SJP_Tournament Forms_Junior Pairs

75th Anniversary

Hi All,

Just a reminder that the clubs 75th Anniversary Day is on the 12th October. …this will be a very special and enjoyable day of a game of bowls, lunch and the chance to meet and hear some of the major officials in our game. This will also be the day that the 75th Anniversary book of the history of Camden Bowling Club will be launched by the author, Frank Farrugia. A ‘not to miss’ event.

If you haven’t been to a day like this before please give it some consideration. The cost is only $20, which I am sure, by the end of the day, you will feel is well spent. Please put your name on the list on the board at the club. There is only a few weeks left.

If you have any questions please feel free to call me at any time.

Best Regards
Steve Laker, Secretary, Camden Men’s Bowling Club

2014 Rookies Pairs LAST CHANCE


Players who missed the chance to enter the 2014 Rookies Pairs are being given a second chance.

Many players did not realise that they could enter with a player from another club, or did not know who else could play Rookies and missed entering.

NSW Rookies is all about giving our members the chance to compete, so embracing this spirit, players who missed out on entering the pairs are being given the chance to talk to other players during the singles qualifying to see if there is another player who wants to ‘have a crack’.

The on line entry system (only) will be open over the weekend, with entries finalised at midnight on Monday 1 September.

CLICK HERE to enter on line

If you have entered, please check the entrant list below to check your details.

Download Rookies_Pairs_Entry_List (28/8/2014). List has been sorted by lead surname.

Andrew Lynn | Sports Co-ordinator
Level 5, 309 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000
P: (02) 9283 4555 | F: (02) 9283 4252 | M: 0434 484 657| W:

St Johns Park $15,000 Men’s Silver Medal Triples

Email received  …

Good afternoon everyone,

Please find attached flyer/entry form for the upcoming $15000 Men’s Silver Medal Triples tournament to be held at St Johns Park Bowling Club on the weekend of October 25th & 26th.

This event is no longer restricted and is now open to all registered male bowlers.

We would appreciate it if you could promote this event to your members and display in an appropriate area within your club. Alternatively we would ask that you pass this invitation on to anyone you think may be interested in competing in this prestigious event.

If you would like to enter a team or require further information please contact the Bowls Office.

Brett Murphy, Bowls Administrator, St Johns Park Bowling Club

Silver Medal Flyer