Category Archives: NEWS AND COMMENT

Smoke-Free Environment Act 2000

After receiving an email from Mr Greg Helm CEO Bowls NSW an announcement was made at the club yesterday by the author of this email regarding the “Smoke-Free Environment Act 2000” and the impact on ALL bowling clubs in NSW.

For those members not present yesterday I supply the following information.

The circular can be viewed at and look under circulars 04/2016. But the relevant paragraphs are below.

Quote “as you are aware, smoking is banned in spectator areas of sports grounds or other recreational areas while an organised sporting event is being held. The smoking ban applies to both covered and uncovered spectator areas whether seating is provided or not”.

“Patrons or spectators may be issued with an on the spot fine of $300 for non-compliance”.

What impact this legislation has on our club.

During an organised game of lawn bowls whether it be social or championship or zone / state events there should be no smoking by members or visitors under the covered area along the rear of the club or around or on the bowling greens.

The Sports Club has provided a designated smoking area which is located beyond the north western corner of the club near the sand green and continues around the outdoor poker machine area.

Apart from this area smokers may move to the public area which is located outside the north easterly boundary of the Sports club near the car parking area or behind the hedge plants along the north west edge of the No2 green.

Please keep in mind this is not an initiative of CMBC! This is to be compliant with a legislated Act which affects ALL bowling clubs.

It is simply my intention to fulfil my responsibilities as the elected Secretary of CMBC and to avoid our members and guests being fined under the Smoke-Free Environment Act 2000.

CMBC Secretary

Message From The Selectors

The selectors have had a difficult task picking teams for this year with competition for positions extremely close.

If you are unhappy with your grade or position, or have something constructive to say, please contact your nominated selector.

Grade 3 – Alan Wood. 0405624327
Grade 5 – Dave Price. 0448137138
Grade 6 – Rob Heininger. 0402461208
Grade 7/1 – Jack McGarrity. 0448000832
Grade 7/2 – John Bugden. 0450306073

Due to the fact that we now only have 5 pennant grades there are bowlers who have missed out on selection. We will endeavour to give everyone a game by rotating players throughout the year.

All reserves, and teams with a bye, are encouraged to put your name down on the sheet for Saturday social bowls each week. There will be green space available and competitive games will be organised.


PS. Good luck to all teams for the first round, play it hard, encourage your team mates but most of all, enjoy yourself.