South Pacific Pairs – Round of 16
Steve Glasson, Rob Patane, Karl Szynal, Ben Glasson

2014 Club Fours Champions
Sam Dukes, Brian Barnicoat, Rick Plumridge, John Bugden

Australia Day 2014
Some of our members doing their bit for the club. Well done! And thank you!

Australia Day 2014
Some of our members doing their bit for the club. Well done! And thank you!

2014 Senior District Pairs – Winners
Ross Newport, Bob Lang (STDBA President), Karl Szynal

2014 Senior District Singles – Winner
Col Missen with STDBA President, Bob Lang

2014 Handicap Pairs – Winners
Col Missen and Wayne Missen

2014 Major Pairs – Winners
Graham Reeves and Barry Smith

Camden’s Grade 5 STDBA Pennant Winners 2014
Hugh Dunnachie, Bill Schofield, Barry Taylor, Ed Droscher, Peter Mahoney, Alan Xiao, Brian Hough, Col Wetton, Baden Harris, Corey Fraser, Joyce Doherty (Manager), Wayne Missen, Keith Pocock, Col Missen

Kingswood Junior Gala Day June 2014
Camden represented by Josh Lord, Sam Dukes, Jonah Abra, Claire Dukes, Tyler Murphy, Mia Hotson and Tiffany Knight.

2014 Junior Singles Finalists
Josh Lord (Winner) and Sam Dukes

2014 “C” Singles Finalists
Steve Irwin and Brian Fogarty (Winner)

2014 Minor Singles Finalists
Bob Clarke and Barry Taylor (Winner)

2014 Major Singles Finalists
John Bugden and Ross Lawrence (Winner)

The Kevin Lawler Green
The No. 1 green in the East-West direction has been named in honour of Club Patron Kevin Lawler.